Three ways you can help
There are several ways you can help Right To Health fuel its mission and vision.
1. Donate
Please support our efforts by giving a tax-deductible donation. We are a wholly volunteer team, a contribution of $50 or more will go a long way. We appreciate any donation size.
2. Volunteer
We need volunteers, especially lobbyists, administrative support, grant writers, and social media experts. We want to connect to other organizations and individuals who share our similar mission and purpose. Please email us at: leslie@right2healthus.org.
3. Advocate
Bring our work into your community and share it. We encourage you to:
Listen to those who bear the brunt of racism
Talk to your children about how to interrupt bullying safely and how to report it
Speak with someone who looks much like you about how racism affects you and those who do not look like you
Write a letter to the CDC, NIH and other systemic institutions that are responsible for public policy. See Leslie’s letter to the CDC as an example.
Write a letter to your state and local representatives in support of declaring racism a public health crisis
If you are white, recognize and utilize your privilege even if it’s just speaking truth when you see mistreatment
Please connect with us, and let’s stay in touch:
Please follow Right To Health on Twitter: @RightToHealthUS
Please follow our campaign on Twitter: @RightToHealthNow
Visit us on Facebook
Email Leslie at: leslie@right2healthus.org
Thank you!